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Here is some pics of me n ma pals @ the dancin


This is Me Fergie out at the dancin! Fergie was steamin that nite man

*/-Boyle, fergie n sully*/-

This is Boyle, Fergie n Sully @ unibop... ma wee muckers!

<----->Cheryl and Steph<----->

This is me n ma wee buddy steph, this is us in unibop gettin steamin hehehehe.. love ya chick x

*wee stunna steph n Fergie*

*Tweet Tweel* aawwww lookin good u 2, fergie n steph @ unibop

*Me n ma wee chica, shell baby*

aaww me n shell lookin sexy, lol

**/-**/-Fergie n sully bhoy **-/**/*

Watch out troops here comes trouble :P